In the time shortly before the League, there were those within the sinister city-state of Noxus that did not agree with the evils perpetrated by the Noxian High Command. These outcasts sought to leave their neighbors in peace as they pursued dark arcane knowledge. The leaders of this outcast society were a married couple, a grey witch and a cabal warlock. Together they resettled their followers beyond the Great Barrier to the northern reaches of the unforgiving Voodoo Lands. This couple's child, Annie, now comes to the Institute of War to pursue her calling. The combination of Annie's lineage and the dark magic of her birthplace have given this little girl tremendous arcane power. At the age of two she miraculously ensorcelled a shadow bear - a ferocious denizen of the petrified forests outside the colony - turning it into her pet. To this day she keeps her bear, Tibbers, by her side, often keeping him spellbound as a stuffed doll to be carried like a child's toy.
In the courtyards that dot the landscape inside the Institute of War, Annie is all sweetness and light, living the carefree life of an imaginative, playful child. Champions who have met her in battle, however, will tell you that a different Annie comes out to play when she is inside the arenas. Annie has the power of destruction by fire at her fingertips, bringing fireballs to bear against her foes which fuel her magic reserves should they strike their targets down. Occasionally her spells will even stun an unsuspecting opponent. She can scorch multiple enemies by unleashing a cone of torrid flame in front of her. Annie can encase herself in a sphere of fire, boosting her protection while harming those who would dare strike her. Finally, Annie can unleash Tibbers, releasing him from his doll-prison to wreak havoc on her enemies.

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Here is a Video showing Annies Taunt, Joke, Laugh and Dance Sequence
Evil child REPEL the Evil!!!!